Mobile Medical Unit

We're driven to improve health!

The Mobile Medical Unit (MMU)HH Health Mobile Medical Unit

Huntsville Hospital Health System's MMU allows clinical specialists to promote preventive health care through community screenings and education. The program was created with the belief that every person, regardless of financial means, deserves high quality, community-based, comprehensive care.

Why is the MMU vital to the community?

Community health screenings are an excellent way to raise awareness about common diseases. In some situations, health screenings can detect problems early, when chances for successful treatment are greatest. The full benefit is realized when patients take the next step – consulting with a physician for diagnosis and treatment.

Our services include

  • Access to general health care
  • Education for preventable and manageable diseases
  • Routine screenings such as cholesterol, glucose, height/weight, blood pressure, lung function and more
  • Statewide disaster relief

Our goal

To bring quality health screenings and educational programs to surrounding neighborhoods, help individuals make positive health and wellness choices and strengthen disaster relief efforts statewide.

The Mobile Medical Unit was purchased with funding from the Huntsville Hospital Foundation.